Semantic Scholar uses groundbreaking AI and engineering to understand the semantics of scientific literature to help Scholars discover relevant research.
Es fehlt: gabriele. sca_esv= 4219658475e40e9f
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How to search in Semantic Scholar?
To get started, visit and enter a search for a paper, author, topic, or keyword. You can further refine your search results using our many filter options. Select field of study to find literature from a particular domain.
How to check Semantic Scholar ID?

To find your Semantic Scholar ID:

Find your author page using the search bar on • ...
On your author page, your Semantic Scholar ID is the numerical string at the end of the URL. Example: For, the Semantic Scholar ID is 1741101.
What is the Semantic Scholar database?
Semantic Scholar is a research tool for scientific literature powered by artificial intelligence. It is developed at the Allen Institute for AI and was publicly released in November 2015.
Is Semantic Scholar an academic source?
Semantic Scholar is an academic search engine and we are unable to provide the proper permissions on behalf of the authors and publishers whose content is discoverable on our site.
Unofficial Python client library for Semantic Scholar APIs, currently supporting the Academic Graph API and Recommendations API. ... To search for papers by ...
06.11.2023 · The search engine employs an algorithm to retrieve papers that discuss the relationship of free trade and economic growth. It is also possible ...
Es fehlt: gabriele. sca_esv= 4219658475e40e9f
Three lies of digital ethnography. G de Seta. Journal of Digital Social Research 2 (1), 77-97, 2020. 82, 2020.
Semantic Scholar is a research tool for scientific literature powered by artificial intelligence. It is developed at the Allen Institute for AI and was ...
Potential-well depth at amorphous-LaAlO3/crystalline-SrTiO3 interfaces measured by optical second harmonic generation. G De Luca, A Rubano, E Gennaro, A Khare, ...
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